Share F. W. Smith attributed to Francis Towne People & Organisations after Francis Towne artist Related works Ruins of La Bathia, near Martigny 1793 Favourite Ruins of La Bathia, near Martigny The Bay of Naples Favourite The Bay of Naples Conwy from the Quay 1777 Favourite Conwy from the Quay Historically related works FT813 FT815 FT816 FT816a FT817 FT818 FT819 FT820 FT821 FT822 FT823 FT824 FT825 FT826 FT827 FT828 FT829 FT830 FT831 FT831a FT832 FT833 FT833a FT833b FT833c FT834 FT835 FT836 FT837 FT847 FT848 FT852 FT857 FT858 FT859 FT874 FT895a FT895b FT895c FT900 FTX21 FTX23